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User reviews

5 star

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Workouts completed


Calories burned

5 star


Crazy! Finally No More Struggling Between Enjoying Life and Getting Fit

Forget about chasing trainers around - workout on your own time
Escape the intimidating overcrowded gyms - enjoy quick and effective workouts from the privacy of your home
Stop wasting money on memberships you barely use - save thousands by opting for the smarter choice
Quit the generic programs that hurt your joints - get an AI personalized program that gets you results x5 faster
Ditch the complex equipment - we keep it simple and effective, as it should be!

How it works

Get Your Personalized  Plan

Tailored plan designed around your personal goals, fitness level, past injuries, and preferences

Train With Your AI-trainer

Next-level coaching with our AI, with real-time feedback, progress tracking, and motivation

Earn points & rewards

Earn points for your effort, and redeem them for exclusive products and services

Train at your convenience

Your life is already busy enough, fitness should fit into your schedule not the other way around. After all the work, errands and making time for family and friends is done, who needs endless gym commutes, and inflexible personal trainers or class schedules? Not you! that’s why we’ve made it super easy for you to workout anytime, anywhere!

Do it right and see results faster!

Ever did a squat and wondered if you were doing it correctly? well not anymore! Trainmate uses cutting edge technology to provide you with real time feedback and guidance so that every rep is done with confidence

Get an Instant reward for every workout

Post-workout endorphin rushes and dopamine are great, but how about a new pair of shoes? With Trainmate, you’ll earn points with every workout and redeem countless rewards and gifts. Keeping you motivated and excited for every session

Workouts that fit  you

We believe that fitness is individual, your body is unique and deserves a tailored fitness program. That’s why we use AI to adapt your workouts to your fitness level, injuries, goals, gender and so much more. We take care of the complicated part so you can focus on taking care of your body and feel good!

Find your support system

As humans we achieve our best selves when surrounded by the right support system. We are born to connect with others and support each other. With Trainmate, you’ll be able to join weekly Trainmate exclusive events in your area where you can train, meet and support your fellow Trainmates

Why our early users love us

Aakanksha, from London
"Honestly, working out was never my thing – I just didn't enjoy it. But because Trainmate customized the plan for me, the workouts never felt like they are too intense, and the rewards are super motivating"
Joy, from Beirut
"I always thought you needed to workout for hours to see results, but Trainmate really changed my mind. After 20 min I was really sweating and my legs felt very nice and tight the next day"
Stela, from Dubai
"Look I used to spend so much money on special gym memberships and trainers, but I hardly had the time to use them. Now, I feel like I can be so much more consistent because my next workout is always a click away"

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
What exactly is Trainmate?
Trainmate is an AI-powered fitness app designed to provide personalized workout plans and real-time coaching. It offers a flexible, effective, and convenient way to exercise, tailored to your personal goals, fitness levels, and schedule.
How does the personalized fitness plan work?
Upon joining Trainmate, you'll answer a series of questions about your fitness goals, current fitness level, any past injuries, and available equipment. Our AI uses this information to create a workout plan that's customized just for you.
What kind of equipment do I need?
Trainmate workouts are designed to be versatile. You can use whatever equipment you have at home, or even none at all! Our AI suggests exercises that can be done with common household items or bodyweight.
Can I use Trainmate if I'm a beginner?
Absolutely! Trainmate is suitable for all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced. Our AI tailors the workout intensity and exercises to match your current ability and helps you progress at a comfortable pace.
How does the AI coaching work?
Our AI coach provides real-time feedback during your workouts. It helps correct your form, offers motivational support, and adjusts the workout intensity based on your performance.
What are the rewards and how do I earn them?
You earn points for every workout you complete with Trainmate. These points can be redeemed for exclusive merchandise, services, and other exciting rewards. It's our way of celebrating your commitment to fitness!
Is there a community or support group?
Yes, Trainmate has a thriving community of users. You can share your journey, seek advice, and stay motivated with support from fellow Trainmate users.
How does Trainmate keep my data safe?
We prioritize your privacy and data security. Your personal information is encrypted and used solely to enhance your workout experience. We never share your data without your consent.
Does Trainmate use my phone's front camera during workouts?
Yes, it's like having a tiny fitness coach in your phone! Our AI uses your camera to guide your form in real-time but does not record your workout or store video anywhere, so you can sweat it out in full privacy!
Can I integrate Trainmate with other fitness apps or devices?
Currently, Trainmate works independently, but we're always looking to improve and expand our features, including potential integrations with other fitness apps and devices.
How do I get started with Trainmate?
Super easy, just sign up to the waiting list and we will send you a beta version to begin your personalized fitness journey.